Coaching & Mentoring

Dr. Noura Kamal


For Researchers & Academics


Do you need help determining your next step? Do you feel stuck in a system that doesn't value your work? Do you have ideas but need support to find a nurturing environment to develop and implement them?

I can offer guidance in different topics such as:


  • Advancing your academic career
  • Preparing your research proposal
  • Initiating your research project
  • Addressing other specific needs you may have


Beyond Research and Academia


Our lives are filled with challenges and fluctuations. Sometimes, we need guidance to help us realise our potential. I firmly believe that every person has the capabilities they need; it's just about unlocking one's potential.

I offer coaching and mentoring to those looking for a new journey and those who are facing obstacles in finding their path.

I offer a (free -Online & Offline) first session in (English & Arabic) to all new clients. Do not hesitate to contact me directly for more details and to schedule your free consultation.


ليس بحاجة لأن تكون في عالم الأكاديميا لتتواصل معي. عالمنا يلقي بنا لمواجهة الكثير من الصعاب مما يجعل من قراراتنا المتعلقة بحياتنا سواء في العمل أو في الدراسة أو في أتخاذ  خطوة جديدة أو إختيار درب جديد صعبا للغاية. ب 

تجربتي الحياتية والعملية والعلمية جعلتني أؤمن بأن لكل منا القدرة على تجاوز الصعوبات مهما أشتدت وأود أن أشارك خبرتي وتجربتي لمن هم بحاجة إليها.  فإن كنت بحاجة لأحدهم لإيجاد طريقك فلا تتردد بالتواصل حيث أنني حاصلة على شهادة معتمدة من Global Coaching Institute


Education & Training 


ICF Accredited Coach Training: Global Coaching Institute (Australia)


I was trained by experts on EMERGE Model 101 & 102.  I am currently training in 103  EMERGE Model and will complete  my training  in December 2024.

Besides, I have had the opportunity to mentor students both formally and informally through their Bachelor’s, Master’s, and PhD theses. Additionally, I have organized various workshops and conferences, which have enriched my knowledge over the years. My education, experience, and training have equipped me with extensive expertise in coaching and providing support to those who are seeking it.

  • Bachelor: Business Administration - Birzeit University (Palestine).
  • Master: Sociology - Birzeit University (Palestine).
  • PhD: Social & Cultural Anthropology - Vienna University (Austria)
Full Resume - Noura Kamal